Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An Ode.

To Miss Sarah C. She is the breadmaking guru and she habitually puts all my attempts at bread making to shame. And yet, when I was face down on my bed trying not to weep after butchering her beloved Ina Garten's Carrot Cake Cupcakes, she was the one who was there, cheering me on and telling me to just fill the sunken things in with frosting already. Today, I made another baking-from-scratch attempt and it was... mediocre. But I think Sarah would commend the effort. So, dear one, this one's for you. (I might as well address all posts to you now, seeing as how you are the only one who knows this thing exists).

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I love...

...everything about this man. I think Sarah and I have discussed/written about him sanctimoniously to an extent that might scare some, but, he's worth it. His lyrics are. soul. slaying. This week, all his albums on iTunes are $7.99. I think he's time to expand the library.